Peace & Happiness Members Corner
Membership Benefits
Membership is a choice you can make to be brought to happiness destination and be peaceful, while you are enjoying your own space, i. e. It’s easy to be “energetically pumped” off your journey due to illogical behaviors of others. Our space is created for the purpose of support.
Benefits will be attracted via consciousness efforts, i.e. WE ASK UNIVERSE TO COMBINE EFFORTS WITH US.
This is year 16th, since Universe chose Ella to join Creator’s consciousness and year 9, since Janice connected with her own happiness matrix to begin her uninterrupted journey! Ella & Janice are happy to have you join in what Universe asked them to manifest!
Yes, The Universal Power came to us and made an offer to take our journeys to the next level! We agreed! The more, the merrier:). We practice Law of Attraction and Ella was born with The Spiritual Key to engage with Universe.
It’s been awesome!!!
When you become a member, you will have an access to what Universe will bring to us about twice a week. That’s what The Creator’s Consciousness that governs Law of Attraction offered to Ella in 2010. It’s when she first made aware of a structure or a promise. She has never been disappointed and is CONNECTED TO THE SOURCE since!
Ella is busy with medical quantum research and brings light since 2010, working with people individually and during her 12-year radio and 5-year TV universal contract work. Universe coached her and public loved her.
Ella was asked to start online support. Janice was selected to be her knowledgeable companion and a trusted business partner. They both love Source and bring it close to their hearts!
To benefit from support, one needs to commit time-space, i.e. to be “ available “ to receive wisdom & energy.
It’s our intend to work with all the members collectively, which means free - will style. This is how intend works.
Human beings need to have an intend to perform. This is how Universe describes an intend.

Happiness results are very ATTRACTIVE, because UNIVERSE REWARDS YOU FOR BEING ON A PATH beyond first 100 day interval ( it’s a little butterfly revelation from The Source :)).
Securing your path is crucial and we need 90% monthly participation ( it’s another little Universal secret ). So, be not worried if you happened to miss one of the Happiness Online Gatherings. Universe wants our Egos to be at peace. We will offer the tips on how to stay connected on those days when you cannot participate!!! And again, we are a community with common goal that is doable! Our combined voice will reach the Universal Causal Chakra Support System to let THEM know WE ALL ARE ONE/ like-minded